slide 1

“reaktiv autoaktiv proaktiv interaktiv”

slide 2

"Eine kontemplative BildKlangInteraktion"

slide 3

"you are always on my mind"

slide 4

"ein code ist ein code ist ein code ist ein code ist"

slide 5

"Traummedien Medienträume"

Freeze Willy

An interactive childrens play also for adults 

"We are the interface" this was the title of a two-week workshop of HyperWerk FHBB. The goal was a fusion of animated cartoons with real space in form of an interactive installation. How to develop a narration out of an idea? How to produce these cartoons with the help of computers? What could be the function of an interactive installation? Who is subject within such an installation? "Freeze Willy" is the name of the product, an old childrens play, well known as "Statues" in a new interpretation. Willy - the cartoon character, sometimes quite nice, sometimes rather ugly, does play with us. When we move and Willy realizes it - we are out of the game. Movement detection and computer programming against speed and luck. Freeze Willy or Willy freezes you!

Media: Videoprojektion mit Ton / Computer / Kamera / Elektische Trittmatten / SensorBox /

2000 VIPER Festival for Film Video and New Media

2000 Cartoombria International Peruggia 

Basler Zeitung 27.10.2000, Farbbild mit Legende
Sankt Galler Tagblatt 31.10.2000
Die Wochenzeitung 2.11.2000

Das Projekt entstand während der Ausbildung zum Interaktionsleiter an der FH Abteilung HyperWerk in Basel.

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